Articium Lappa -Burdock Root, Beggar’s Buttons, Thorny Burr, Gypsy’s Rhubarb, Fox’s Clote, Cockle Buttons

23 06 2009
Articium Lappa - Burdock Root

Articium Lappa - Burdock Root

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Articium Lappa, commonly known as Burdock Root is another main ingredient in Karma Cleanse.

Background: Burdock grows wild throughout much Europe and the northern United States.
Traditionally, burdock was used as a blood purifier and to treat skin sores.

Today burdock is also used as a systemic cleanser and is particularly noted
as a liver purifier and hormone balancer, especially in cases of skin, arthritic and glandular problems.

The large-leafed plant bears thistle-like red or purple flowers set in a round, fruiting head, covered with burrs. Burdock grows wild along field borders from July to September and the burrs cling to the fur of any passing animal or to a person’s clothing.
The idea for the product known as Velcro came from the sticking quality of the burrs.

According to the Cayce readings, the intended action of burdock was as a digestive stimulant to the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver.

Burdock Root is also used in Chinese Medicine and Asian cooking. You can find Burdock Root in many asian markets.



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