Stillingia Sylvatica: Queen’s Delight, Queen’s Root, Silver Leaf, Yaw Root

21 06 2009
Stillingia Sylvatica, Queen's Delight, Queen's Root, Silver Leaf, Yaw Root
Stillingia Sylvatica,
Queen’s Delight,
Queen’s Root,
Silver Leaf,
Yaw Root

I’ve added this image to my websites: and

Queen’s Delight is another main ingredient in Karma Cleanse.

In the naturalist world in North America is was used extensively for treating Syphilis.

Herbalists also use this herb as a blood purifier, digestive aid and immune enhancer.
Edgar Cayce recommended Stillingia as a blood purifier and digestive aid, especially with reference to stimulating the liver, kidneys and spleen.
I know from Chinese Medicine, the Spleen is Yellow.  The Spleen is an often overlooked organ that is instumental in the detoxifying process of the body.  An admin at work had a ruptured spleen, and had to have it taken out.  The Emergency Room doctor told her that she could get by without it.
In western medicine, there is the notion that you can get by without your spleen, tonsils, gallbaldder, appendix, etc. 
In Chinese Medicine, the body organs are all related.  There is an order to them.  If you remove one of these body organs that help remove toxins from your body, the next organ in line has to take over and carry the load.
Yes, you can get by without any one of them, but in the long run, do you really want to put a load on the rest of your system?
This is where Natural Alternative Paths to well being are key.

If you lighten your toxic intake (smoking, alchohol, trans fats, pesticides, etc) then it takes a load off your system, and maybe your detoxifying body organs can regenerate themselves.  Many people go on cleansing diets in the Spring and Summer.  It’s like Spring Cleaning for your body.  Your body will thank you for it.

I updated my websites with these images, and today I’m updating the nav bars.  What I like about building websites is the artistic expression.  I am a web designer/Photoshop artist, who makes money building websites for corporations.  My websites (see list to the right) are my personal expression websites for family and friends.
In this new Global Economy, can I take my personal expressions and get them to generate extra funds to help put my kids through college?  This is my blog explore.  Is there a way to get there from here?